I know I know, with all the wonderful options we have for pizza in Cleveland why in the world would he choose Little Caesars? But hear me out. You'll understand when I'm finished......or so I hope.
First to understand this review you have to understand that I have an obsession no addiction to pizza. Hot, cold, fresh, day old it doesn't really matter I love it all. And when your as far gone as I am in when it comes to pizza, it doesn't always have to be the best. With that said Little Caesars has managed to become the McDonald's of the pizza world. Its not your favorite, you know you could do better but time and time again you find yourself there. You see much like McDonald's Little Caesars is great at nothing, however they shine when it comes to convenience, speed and pricing. You see if i want a pizza and don't have time to call it in and wait the 30 minutes (aka 1 hour to everyone outside of the pizza making industry) your options have just vanished leaving you with only one choice "pizza pizza. "
This leads me to the more important reason why i choose this fine establishment........nostalgia. You see being that I acquired my addiction for pizza at a young age. I have fond memories of the Little Ceasars pizza. Such fond memories in fact that i can vividly remember blowing out candles on a Little Ceasars pizza on my birthday as i demanded this instead of cake (I hate cake.) So you see Little Ceasars is more than just pizza to me. Its memories that just happen to come "Hot and Ready" in a cardboard box at just five bucks a pop.