$10 door cover, $7 for a small tequila sunrise,
The decor is nice, it's not a shitty hole in the wall. The chairs take some getting used to, cause they are so low to the floor but I like the set up in here.
Lots of rap music played, I prefer hard rock, but it was fine.
We got lap dances from 2 different girls. Our lap dances were great, but the dancers should look more enthused on the stage and work the pole more.
There was one girl who looked like a 50's pinup and climbed all the way up the pole and did tricks, we ran to the stage to give her money. She was great, she should hold classes for the other girls for a fee.
Most of the girls had all natural small breast for the most part, I saw one big boobed chick with blonde hair (my preference) and she was texting on her phone so we didn't want to interrupt her to ask for a lap dance.