Don't come here to buy a car! I came here to purchase my first car but I have no credit so my dad was going to co-sign for me & so he did. We went there & I already knew what car I wanted... Test drove it, put in my app for it everything. Only to wait for hours because it was a Saturday & clay told us that the bank they go thru takes a little longer than others. So me & my family left, ate lunch, did some shopping came back & still no answers from the bank about my app. So I gave clay my contact info to call me when he hears from the bank if it was a go or a no. & so Sunday came no call. Monday came & he called & left a message saying I got approved by the bank & saying how much the bank was asking for the monthly etc... Talked to my dad then called clay back & said we'd have to turn it down because they were asking for way too much for the monthly on an old car. Made no sense. About 2 weeks later we get a letter in the mail by the bank this place goes thru saying I got denied! When he clearly told me I was approved. Not like it mattered because I didn't purchase the car anyways but the point is he told me I was approved so why'd that letter say denied? It was a bunch of bullshit & fraud if you ask me! All in all just don't go here! Glad I never purchased a car here