With the closure of one of my favorite nearby sub joints - Port of Subs on Scottsdale - I find myself pleasantly surprised to find another great sub joint pop up nearby. This one perhaps even better than my old favorite.
See, I don't like to eat at sub joints that get their meats shipped in boxes pre-sliced who knows when. Port of Subs was one of the few that cut the meat when you ordered. I'll miss that, but Silver Mine is close. They slice the meat fresh all day as part of the shifts. That means it's still very fresh. The quality of their meats and bread is great as well. Their bread is especially good.
The restaurant is clean - immaculate even. The employees are all really nice dudes. So friendly, I doubt they're even from here. They must be from the Midwest.
This place would probably deserve four stars like any other good sub joint should, but what sets this place apart is that they deliver until 3am. That's right - not only does this place deliver sandwiches, they're open until 3 mother-frenchin a-to the-m.
Their brownies are 430 calories and they worth - they worth hard. They carry a great selection of chips and bev, and since they are relatively new on the scene - they seem to be constantly tweaking the business here and there. Their menus get revised every time I order from them. They give away scratch cards that usually give you a free delivery or a free small side item or drink or something. I have yet to win a car or my own franchise, but they popped up all over town at some point recently.
If I did win my own sub shop, I'd change the tag line to "You can't beat our meat" because that's what the people would want.
Seriously, these guys are cool and the food is good.