I would have never of joined if it weren't for the generosity of my niece! Well, I had been flirting with the idea.
I like this place. Always wondered what it offered as I was a Sam's Club member years ago. I wanted to see how it would stack up. This place is the Mecca for food in bulk! And the prices are awesome! I only make the trip once every one or two months because it is always packed!! And when I come, I bring my Mom along for the ride. She's elderly, so she has a hard time maneuvering around the swarms of people and making the walk.
Maybe when the new Henderson location opens up, this one will be more comfortable to shop. I'm certain every single resident of Henderson shops here, which makes this a mad house! Plan to make a visit an hour trip at minimum. Between fighting through the shopping crowd and waiting in the monstrous lines when you're done, you'll be exhausted when you leave. And I have yet to buy gas here because that line is ridiculous as well.
Despite those complaints, if you have foods of choice that you consume on a regular basis, what's an hour compared to the savings you'll receive?