| - I would give this vs no stars if I could. The only reason why Id give it ANY stars is because it is a really big store - 2 stories high - with a lot of merchandise. Now the reason for no stars is because of the horrible customer service. I currently work retail myself, going on 7 years now, and this is by far the worst customer experience I have ever dealt with. I went upstairs to the PINK section and I got bypassed by two employees. No greeting, no nothing. So I kept on searching for a particular product I was looking for, and another employee passes me and greets a family behind me. Asks them if they needed help, offers them a shopping bag, and then she continues to do whatever the hell she was doing. When I found all that I was looking for, I proceeded to go to check out, and there were 2 customers ahead of me. While there were 5 cashiers, of course they all had customers purchasing merchandise, but the line did not move for 10 mins! The two customers ahead of me were also getting aggravated by the line not moving. One cashier was dealing with a customer issue, but the remaining 4 were just chit chatting away as if there was no line at all! Taking their sweet time taking off the clothing sensors, folding the clothes ever so slowly, and then stacking them before putting it in the bag with the tissue paper and all. I did not end up purchasing anything from this particular store because of this terrible experience. All in all, If there is even one customer waiting in line, you should kindly move quickly and get to each customer in a respectful amount of time. And as a retail associate, your main concern should be to offer the highest customer service to every customer walking through the doors. Leave all your personal problems at the door, and start work with a blank slate. Come in working with passion and enthusiasm. Act like you want to be there. If it's not something you enjoy then GTFO!