| - This is a pretty solid 2 star joint, but my experience was less than one star.
I'm going to come across a bit like an asshole beer snob, but hear me out.
In between connecting flights, I thought I would kill some time by ordering a beer. I checked out what they had on tap, fairly crummy mainstream brews (I like craft beer myself) except for an IPA... so I ordered that. Both of the waitstaff advised me not to order it and told me to order a Bass instead. It was all a bit confusing, but I wanted to try the local IPA, perhaps this was a very hoppy one and some people unaccustomed to that didn't like it. Against the advice of the waitstaff I ordered the IPA.
I got a glass of beer, took a few sips and realized that it was not an IPA, craft beer or any type of non-commercial beer. It wasn't a bad IPA, or a weak IPA, it simply was not an IPA, and not what I had ordered. After being ignored for a few minutes I flagged down the waitress. I asked if I had gotten the IPA, she said yes. I was friendly and told her perhaps the drought lines where switched. She said that the lines where not switched and that everybody complains about that beer, which is why she told me not to order it. I asked she could give me a Bass instead, she said no. I was very confused and told her that this was not the right beer and that it tasted like Miller Lite. The server got very defensive and told me that it definitely was not Miller Lite. The server left, and after taking a sip or two of my beer (which was not what I had order) I left and went to my gate.
20 minutes later one of the servers came to my gate and told me that I had left without paying. I told her that I had hoped to do so! She told me that If I did not pay that she was going to call security.
The woman from the bar found me at my gate to pay for a beer that I did not order and had maybe 5 sips of. I was not going to miss my flight over this nonsense, so i smiled and was very friendly and returned to the restaurant and even left a good tip.
This is a worthless establishment even for an airport bar. Serving up a beer on a tap that is not what it says it is wrong (and probably against some type of law). The fact that they took the time to find me at my gate over 1/4 of a beer blows my mind. When I get back to the states I can dispute the charge on my card, hopefully the servers can keep they tip, they sure need it.