I came here to have sushi since the reviews here were pretty good. Not everyone in my party was a sushi fan so they ordered something else but seriously, my cousins dish was literally a $12 bowl of rice with eggs. No, not egg fried rice. White rice with eggs on top. And another one of my cousins got a noddle appetizer and it literally looked like they took a bag of ramen noodles and just cooked that. My brother wanted Saki and the waiter gave him a Mai Thai cause it was to hot outside and it looked like he wouldn've enjoyed it better than the saki. What a disappointment and so disrespectful.
I'm not trying to say the restaurant was a completely mess but I was not impressed and not happy. Service (excluding the drink incident) was pretty good. The decor was very nice but I just wish the food was better. I was really hoping to like this place since I live very close to Monona.