like others on this review, i must say bryan is one of the best. on saturday morning,dec 29,2012, i went to the refrigerator and found lights off and power down. in checking other appliances, i found the coffeemaker clock was out of sync.when i turned on the tv, it started a direct tv reset. checking the circuit breaker and other outlets gave no indication other areas were affected. one circuit was involved. i checked around and came up with bryans company on google and then in talking on the phone explaining the situation, he mentioned having seven more jobs that day and was leaving one already. said he could be here within about 15 minutes. showed up, traced the line checking each outlet and finally went to attic where a junction box containing the line showed wire nuts off wires causing a feed back through the lines. repaired it and we were back in business within the hour. and to top it all off, he was very reasonable in his price. thanks bryan. need more companies like you.