At one time Spanish Trail was extremely beautiful, had spectacular up to date facilities, and served incredible food. It was classy and special. Things have changed. Certain times of the year Spanish Trail can be pretty, but they're slow to replace anything dead or overgrown. Facilities aren't up to date and don't get renovated as often they should. Things that do get renovated are usually things that don't need to be renovated. The food is mediocre at best and overpriced. Just because you enjoyed something this week, it doesn't mean it will be good the next time you order it. Anything really goes on the golf course, tennis courts and fitness center. I've seen dogs using the fairway as a bathroom, kids riding their bikes all over the course, and etc. If you want some classy, special or some incredible experience, then Spanish Trail probably isn't what you're looking for, but if you just want to play somewhere different then Spanish Trail is ok.