The only reason I put a star is bcuz I have to. This was the most horrible experience of my life. Back in the day parents disciplined their children well nowadays parents dont. A child that can barely walk should have a mini cart and stop you every 2 seconds. The parents just smile at their kods. A mother with 2 kids and both having mini carts. And she would just stop right in front of me and put stuff back. Or grab something. These people really needed to get kicked out the store. I swear I needed to shop and I couldn't bcuz of stuck up mothers that can't put their children in the cart and walk normal pace. They need those mini carts out!
I don't want to hate the sore from these people but I have no choice I grabbed like 4 things and I had to leave. You can't shop bcuz kids are everywhere blocking aisles. Omg I was such in shock. Then I thank God my girls are so amazing and they wouldn't do that in public. But I don't blame the kids I blame the parents.
But one good thing the store is very clean and cute. Workers smile at you. Ask how you are and everything. But I really hope they stop the mini carts. It's not fare for people like me that need to shop and cant! Btw I had my 4 year old with me and I didn't allow the mini cart!