The wait: I arrived when they opened at 8am on a Monday. As a new patient I had paperwork to fill out. Once it was filled out I was taken back within 5 minutes. Pretty speedy in my opinion.
The front staff: eh, not the best first impression. This is where they lost a star.
The medical staff: Really the best I have come across in a long time. Dave (P.A.), Rose, and the X-ray tech (whose name I do not recall, shame on me) were very friendly. They took time to explain things, spent as much time with you as you needed, and they all had great personalities. Really I was very impressed with the medical staff here.
I highly recommend that you come here if you find yourself in need of medical care. Some complain about being seen by a P.A. I prefer P.A.'s. The ones I have seen seem to love what they do. They don't have the egos of MD's, they don't treat you as if you mean nothing to them. If something serious comes up, they know when to hand off to an MD.