If this is the one in Venetian, than I'm complimenting it. If not, go to the one there instead.
I've been to quite a few Burberry's and this is the best one because of the service. I wouldn't consider myself a Burberry fan, but after my last time there, I'm becoming one.
I bought a pair of sunglasses there, nothing fancy or anything. I was looking for a particular shade after seeing a pair in San Diego. All three reps went searching for me. Desperation for busy? Maybe, but it shows that they were at least willing to help. I honestly couldn't say no to the glasses: 1. because they were that hot! and 2. after the reps worked that hard, I would feel like a heartless cheapskate to say no.
Less than a month later what do I get? A personal thank you card from the rep who sold me the glasses. It was HANDWRITTEN too, not some preprinted generic thank you card, but one personally written by the rep. I didn't buy anything super expensive and yet they worked for me and thanked me as if I bought out the store. Good service regardless of who and what you are tells me a lot about the standards and expectations there.
Kudos to you Burberry!