This was horrible. I was in the night before thanksgiving, visiting from New York. Got in around 11:45pm and the server promptly suggested we order before 12am as it would turn into the "late night menu". After rushing us through our order and selling my friends on the $3 "long island ice teas" aka just tea, she disappeared for 20 min. Our food was at the table before the drinks which was unacceptable. Once she brought our food and finally our drinks she asked us how we wanted the check to be split. We kindly informed her that we weren't ready to think about this since we had just gotten our food. She disappeared again without giving us utensils and without taking our drink order for our second round. When she finally came back she took our drink order and asked us if we were ready for the check, really trying to push us out. We offered to sit at the bar if she wanted to leave but she just continued to press us for the check. When she finally did bring the check she had no idea how to split a bill 3 ways with two cards and cash which is insane since I'm 1,000% sure micros will do it for you. Overall horrible experience. One of the reasons I would never live in Cleveland. I've gotten better service from hole in the wall bars in Williamsburg.