| - I am so happy this juice bar opened up and right in my neighborhood. I came here during their soft opening and it seemed like they already had some regulars as I noticed them calling someone by name.
When I walked in, I immediately liked the look of the inside with the menu and the pamphlets, cute names of products, and helpful tips with juicing. The owners were very helpful and Marcella explained to me all about their juices, how they are made, and the benefits. I appreciated the taste test area because of course we all want to know what we are going to get. I was interested in a 3 day juice cleanse but seeing that I have never juiced an entire day, I was not sure how I would respond or if I could handle it. I ended up only doing one day.
The Magnificent- filtered water, raw cashew, agave, vanilla bean, and cinnamon.
perfect at night time when you have been juicing all day. It felt like a treat and I don't know what it was but I was unable to finish it. I'm not sure if it was the juice overload or what did it.
I also liked the Energized, the Love, and the one with cayenne pepper. I like the glass bottle packaging but can I say it does not do well with drinking straight out of the bottle, lots of spills. Maybe you are expected to pour it or use a straw. The small plastic bottles are much easier to drink right out of.
I would like to try the juice cleanse again but probably when I don't have to work and can stay home. I appreciate the $1 off for bringing back the bottles. I wish they had some sort of loyalty card or system though because the cost is pretty high for me.
I know Marcella mentioned the juices have a 4 day shelf life but I wonder if the date on top was the expiration date or the date made. My juices had different dates on top.
In all I am happy a healthy place like this opened up near home where I can come get some good quality juice.