| - Probably my favorite library in Dane County, perhaps my second favorite. I have a thing for two story libraries; I just like the separation, not be able to be found, and feeling as if you can explore a completely different area each visit. Staff is very nice (a problem elsewhere), as well as maybe four self check-out stations so people aren't awkwardly standing in line. The nonfiction section is great; I can always find at least ten items to walk away with, then not finish in time for their due date - oops. One fancy point about the Fitchburg PL is that I can find items on my Holds list here, without the wait! For example, say I'm number 12 on a holds list for a recently Oscar nominated film - not bad. I walk into Fitchburg PL, there it is and I take it home, cancelling my hold. It's a great location if you're going to or from Southside, Oregon, Verona, Fitchburg.