This store is okay. It's cool that they have salt water fish and their set ups for their reptiles are cool and all but they aren't very knowledgeable. I'm assuming they don't have someone to work specifically with the pets it seems empty over there so I don't expect expert advice. The store doesn't seem very busy when I am in there so one would assume the employees would use that time to educate themselves but obviously they don't. They used to have their juvenile bearded dragons on sand, which is a no-no. They also gave oranges to their rats, when they sold them, which is a carcinogen for male rats. I've bought my betta and some live plants from there, just because they had a large selection and I really liked the betta. Their chameleons shouldn't be housed together just because it is a bit stressful for them. It's nothing life threatening, just a concern. Their large bird enclosures are a bit bland and I wouldn't have chosen the white simply because birds do poop. All and all its an okay store. Small, but okay.