I went to O'Brien's old location 13+ years ago and had to threaten them with calling the police to give me my car back. It was basically being held hostage while they tried to sell me a car and after four hours I had had enough.
Fast forward to this past weekend, I went again thinking they couldn't possibly still be terrible. Well, not bringing my own car with me helped keep that from being held hostage, so that's a good point. However, the salesman in the Hyundai area basically treated me like I was just a tag along even after the BF said no less than twice that I was the one looking for a new car while his car was getting some Toyota care in the Toyota area. We also got some weird song and dance from the sales manager about it being busy, blah blah blah. We were the only people there who didn't work for the dealership and then the "sales manager" was driving their golf cart around like a maniac and fake running over other employees, complete with tire squealing as he came to an abrupt halt.
The only person worth a darn on the sales side of things was Abraham in the Toyota area who was like "as you can see, I have absolutely nothing to do so I will answer every single question I can." I now know more about Toyota Priuses than I ever did and was actually talked to like the person buying the car. Abraham would do well at any dealership and should give O'Brien the heave-ho.