If you dig beer, this is simply the best beer you are going to find in the Pittsburgh area. Yeah, Voodoo is great and has some amazing aged beers. Dancing Gnome is making some fire in Sharpsburg. Grist House is doing good things in Millvale. Draai Laag is making some great sours in Millvale as well. But, honestly, imo, no one can touch BG right now. Their IPA/DIPA offers blow the lid off the place and can't be touched locally. It's not TreeHouse quality, but it's damn close.
Love these guys! I know a million new breweries open every day, but I honestly don't know how much longer the somewhat of a secret they are currently can stay relatively quiet---the product is just too good. Braddock is lucky to have such a great draw in BG. Oh, the workers there are good guys as well. Good for them on their success!