All right, I'm only writing this review because I'm basically obsessed with their nachos. I'm in no way a vegan. There was that brief, sad 8 months of my 16th year where I attempted it but soy milk in coffee and Not Eating Cheese ultimately did me in. Vegan cheese technology has apparently come a long way, because these nachos are LEGIT. I trust that everything on the menu is just as delicious but all I can do is listen to my nacho craving when I go here.
The only minor thing that bugs me about this place are the strict seating rules.. I have always gone in the off hours when there is nobody else in the place, and can't get a seat in the banquettes at the front near a window as a solo diner because they're reserved for the groups of four that never show up during my meal. Showing a little discretion in these cases would go a long way.