I played poker in card rooms around the world (literally). And I would confidently say that the Aria Poker room is my favorite Poker room. This is my current go to place for 2/5 nl + 5/10 nl. Plus 2/5 PLO goes sometimes and gets especially good during the summer.
It's a combination of things that make it my favorite:
1. Great staff/dealers that operate it. The dealers are happier and smile a lot more then anywhere else. (I've been living in California and most if not all dealers are miserable and you can see it in their faces...) The floor men and women are outstanding, they always usually make the correct decisions and go out of their way to help regulars. Plus $2 dollar comps adds up especially if you are a regular here. ($3 dollar comps during happy hour 5am-10am)
2. Good action. Games go around the clock 24/7. 5/10 nl goes every day but breaks around 2-3 am. (starts around 3-4pm depending on the day) 2/5 nl (1k buy-in) goes all day everyday 24/7. Usually 6 tables running during peak hours. 2/5 PLO goes pretty much everyday during peak hours. Obviously for 2 1/2 months during the summer everything goes berserk and crazy here. The average player and even some or most of the regulars are pretty bad compared to California regulars at the Commerce and other places. (this is my opinion though and not concrete fact)
3. Nice ambiance and roomy floorspace. The lighting in this place is easy on the eyes. The interior design is pleasant as well. They also don't pack you in like sardines like other casinos especially the ones in California... (Go to Commerce casino and you'll see what I'm talking about)
4. Best looking cocktail waitresses and service. I think this place has the best looking cocktail girls and girls in general lol :). This isn't super important but it sure does help after staring at ugly drunk fat dudes at the poker table all day haha! Drinks are free minus tip, and they are very good at bringing the correct drink and on time.