The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) is a government controlled quasi monopoly for liquor sales in the Ontario province of Canada. I say quasi monopoly since beer and wine are sold at "The Beer Store" and a few exceptions to distilleries, breweries and wineries. At the LCBO you can find your typical hard liquors from all over the world and premixed alcoholic beverages that I don't even see at specialty alcohol stores back in the states.
I was so intrigued by the wide selection at the LCBO. I was definitely not trying to dehydrate myself on my trip, but I was just curious by the variety of flavors available. I decided to get:
- Snapple Spiked Peach Tea Vodka ($2.80 CAD)
- Rockstar Watermelon Freeze ($3.40 CAD)
- Crazy Uncle Hard Root Beer for Grown Ups ($2.85 CAD)
- Crazy Uncle Hard Cream Soda for Grown Ups ($2.85 CAD)
- Black Fly Sour Raspberry ($2.85 CAD)
These cans have a 10cents recycling fee per can and a 13% already included tax. I like that the tax is already included in the prices so there are no surprises at check out. I can definitely see how a 13% tax affects more pricey liquors. No wonder why I was asked if I brought over any alcohol when I was checking in through customs. Nevertheless I respect it. Canada has REAL healthcare for everyone so at least the tax is going to the right places.
I really enjoyed my pre spiked cans of alcohol. I especially liked the Snapple Spiked Tea Vodka and it is definitely something I would drink all of the time if they had it in the states. The sodas were a bit too sweet for me since I do not usually drink soda. I will keep that in mind the next time I find myself at an LCBO.
I was especially pleased at check out when the sweet young man behind the counter asked to see my ID. The legal age to drink in Canada is 19!! I feel extra extra flattered that he asked me for my ID and I slightly giggled as I reached for my passport. I was complimented on how young I looked. Canadians are the sweetest!!
And I believe this to be universal...
If you drink, don't drive - Si vous buvez, ne prenez pas le volant ;)