The swirly decor gave it away as a Cheesecake Factory offshoot, but Grand it was, and Lux it looked.
We went for lunch, so couldn't really sample some of the more lofty offerings, however my other party member and I opted for the sandwich, salad, and soup.
The chicken salad sandwich was juicy and flavorful with just the right amount of everything. The only bad thing was what seemed like an inch thick slice of tomato that covered the entire sandwich. I mean, I like tomato and everything, but...eesh. The creamy chicken and mushroom soup was the best part of the meal, with big chunks of moist chicken and mushrooms that weren't bashed into smithereens. You could actually still recognize them. The salad was constructed of the good greens, too.
The other plate was a generous blt and a veggie soup stocked full with beautifully diced veggies. No complaints from either side. The simple lunch was so filling we couldn't fit one of the tempting desserts.
Our waiter was quick and courteous. The entire place reminded me of a quaint classy hotel. Nice bathrooms too.
So 3 and a half stars in total only because of my limited tasting of the place thus far. I will DEFINITELY be heading back to try more.