We highly recommend eating at Bistro Florin. The food, ambience, and service is superb. The food is simple, but delicious "French Country" style cuisine. It was originally recommended that we eat at Au Pied De Cochon, but could not get a reservation. Second on the list was Le Deux Gamins, who ended up closing that day due to a gas leak. So we just headed out of the hotel to see what we could find by chance. As we walked on Amherst we looked to the right and there was a menu board propped up at the entrance to what looked like an outdoor bistro. We found that it was the outdoor space opened for dining in warm weather.
After being graciously seated our waiter brought over the menu, and because it was dark read and described every item to us in french. I understood everything, even though I speak very little french, (Julia C. would be proud). When I said something in English our waiter apologized to me and spoke to us in English the remainder of the meal (which I did not expect him to do). For appetizers we ordered the rabbit and a bowl of the seafood soup that were both excellent and large for an appetizer. For a main course we had the buf bourguignon and were going to order a second entree but were told that the entrees came with a choice of soup or salad. So we chose to have the mushroom soup and still paid for a side salad. The mushroom soup was also excellent and the buf bourguignon was too.
For dessert we had the profiteroles and a raspberry tart, which were good. We also had a half carafe of wine. When our bill came we were pleasantly surprised to see the total less than $70 for two.