I love Nordstrom, let me start off my saying that. But the last few times I have been there, going back to the holiday season, the service has left little to be desired. I worked for about 3 years in retail at this very same mall and I was told when I first started to never judge a book by its cover in Scottsdale because the people you perceive as not having money probably have more money than god. When I go into a department store I want to be treated nicely, to ask if I need anything but I have received none of that when I come into this store.
This time I was in the shoe department wanting to buy a pair of shoes. There were several people around trying on shoes and whatnot. It seemed like there were a lot of workers there too so I was wondering around looking and never once did anyone ask if I was ok or needed anything. I found what I wanted, picked up the shoe and stood there for a bit waiting to see if anyone would come and help me. Nothing! So I walked to the middle of the floor and stood some more and tried to get someone's attention. I knew what I wanted, knew the size so it would take any more than someone to run back to get the shoes. I finally caught someone's attention and asked if he could help me...he looked at me said "Um, I guess there is no one else around" grabbed the shoe from me and said "what size?" I told him what size I needed and as he walked away he motioned to his other customer that he had to go get my shoe and kind of shrugged. I sat there for 30 seconds, got up and left. I felt so annoyed and disrespected as a customer that no matter how much I wanted those shoes I would rather buy online if I have too. Nordstrom this has been a trend for you. I often shop at The Rail in your store and the people there are snobby and rude. If you are selling high end stuff maybe you should start hiring high end people and not people who think they are above anyone because the "basic" customer is your repeat customer who will probably end up spending more money with you over the course of a year than the one time shopper!