This is the first review I have ever written for yelp. I feel it necessary based off my most recent experience. Almost $700 for an oil change, fuel filter, O2 sensor replacement and tune up. Since these services have been completed my gas mileage has decreased significantly. Not a good experience at all.
UPDATE ON 02/16/15:
AND IT GETS EVEN BETTER! So after all these services were done I noticed a substantial decrease in gas mileage, so I took it back to Broadway to have them look at it. They reviewed everything and said it was a "faulty fuel filter". They put in a different one and said everything was fixed.
NOT! I was still getting terrible gas mileage so I went to a reputable mechanic and he showed me that when my car is on that gas is shooting out right from where my fuel filter is at. It was spraying everywhere and obviously not fixed. I am going back to Broadway today to show them again what is going on. This will now be the third time I have taken it there to get the same thing fixed.