| - In the pizza wars of Tempe/Phoenix, AZ, supposedly the word is Slices is where it is AT in terms of authentic pizza.
After climbing the A mountain, me and some guys needed to re-fuel fast (on fucking ST PATTYS night, none the less, on MILL ave) and I threw in my towel about pizza. The inside was like any other quickie pizza place with some high tables and counter seating. The selection, considering how busy the place got, was actually looking a little too congealed in my opinion. I went for the pesto and tomato slice and it wasnt too oily. They had all the extras handy right there (garlic, red pepper, etc). There was a LOT of cheese on this slice-but it didnt really have much flavour to it. Just kind of rubbery and chewey. The pesto sauce was light on garlic heavy on basil (so none of those horrifying garlic burps occured later) but pretty non-descrept. There wasnt a whole lot of tomato sauce on my slice, which is fine cause I dont like the cheese slip-sliding all over the place cause of too much cause-but it could have used a bit more just b/c the crust was so thin and DRY it actually hurt to swallow. I had to kill my big bottle of water just to get this puppy down my throat. I didnt even bother with the crust.
The pizza wasn't disgusting, but I wouldnt ever go out of my way to come here-only under the above kinda circumstances would I consider ordering a slice here.
In the Pizza Wars, I am totally a Gus's lady.