saw the groupon for this place and thought we'd try it out. i've always wanted to learn how to legitly cut an onion and actually disassemble a chicken. why not?
this class was great! very interactive and engaging. the chef teaching the weekend class was extremely friendly, knowledgeable, and thorough. for the first 30 - 40 min the chef walked you through a demonstration of what you would actually be doing in the kitchen, explaining technique and answering any questions you may have. after that you roll into the teaching kitchen and get started! i learned how to correctly chop an onion uniformly (and other veggies) as well as julienne. i also finally know how to hold a chef's knife correct and how not to cut off my fingers. bonus!
we also disassembled a chicken (leg, breast, wing). thats going to be extremely useful since i've decided to start breaking down my own chickens each week.
i'm really interested in the Practical Series or the Protein specific courses. i'm going to have to definitely check out their scheduled and see what i'm going to do next!