| - The neo-Coliseum!... where the padded gladiators come to fight other padded gladiators unto the death! The splendor! The greatness of our new Rome in PHX!
My analogy may be a stretch (I am, admittedly, a former FS who loved to hit), but a stadium really does set the stage for a fight, whether it is circa 127AD or 2013AD! The Cardinals Stadium (now sponsored by a notorious degree-manufacturing institution) creates a great setting for a special game or event. The stadium is easy to navigate in-person, and the fung shui is generally on par. That is, it has a relatively "new" feel, plenty of amenities, and great views throughout most of the stadium.
Ready for my complaints? If not, I am: the online seating charts and visuals suck. The upper deck is much higher than the lower/ mid-level seats, and anywhere below the upper deck probably even offers a better view from a slanted angel. Not knowing this, I incidentally purchased two different sets of tickets (one set for a slanted lower-deck view and another for a side, upper-deck view) for the sum of over $500 only to have to sell two for a $200 loss.
The stadium is also frigid-cold in the winter. Considering that they have a dome, they open it (probably wanting to save money instead of heating it) and the Western sun blinds (but warms... and even tans!) those in the upper Eastern side. So, if you are sitting on the Eastern side (especially in the upper portion), bring sunglasses and/ or a hat. Wherever you are sitting outside of the hot months, bring some warm clothes!
In all, I enjoyed the stadium and look forward to my next visit. I hope that my tips help you to have the insight that I wished that I had!