| - I arrived at JCL DV ER late on Thursday night 12/18/14, about 9ish p.m., I was rushed through intake as she was busy. I was placed on a small cot in room and left there alone for some time. A young man who said his name was Chris came in and said he was going to start the IV. He used my left arm and then said 'oops, blew a valve...have to wait for it to bleed out' or some such venacular. He another man entered who Chris called 'Richard', whose name was on a white board as my nurse, though he never introduced himself or smiled my way or really acknowledged me in any way until after he listened to Chris laughing about how he blew a valve in my left arm and would need to get the right arm. He did not clean up the wound he made or bandage it but left it bleeding out onto my arm and went to my left arm while 'Richard' watched. He finally got the IV in my right arm and i had to ask 'Richard' to put a bandaid on my right arm as I was concenred about infection. He used what appeard to be scotch tape and put a piece of guaze on it which came loose within minutes and did not appreciate my having asked for it. . I was covered in burning itching hiives and could have used an encouraging word or smile. I began to feel much more frightened after having met my 'care givers' and I use that word very loosely.
A long time later a physican came in asked if I had eaten anything unusual even though I told the others at the front desk about the new medications such as antibiotics I was recently taking for an infected root canal and that I had not eaten anything new. He looked at my chest area, and back and said "Oh yes, you are having an allergic reaction or 'medication reaction' and wrote something down and left. Again a long time and forgive me for not having specific timelines but I was left alone, unmonitored for long periods of time and the IV cuff or Nurse call buttons were not operating and I could not call anyone. The entire time I am left alone, I hear what sounds like a holiday party down the hall and the place seems deserted in regard to healthcare services. Richard is down the hall because he has a deep voice which is distinguishable from the others.
Finally he comes in and hooks up an IV bag with some medications inserted like benedryl and other meds, which he did not bother to explain to me until I asked. In fact, he did not talk to me at all other than to call me "Nancy' on the two occassions he came back to check on me. The bag of IV solution was cold and it dripped into my body within 10 minutes or less and I began shivering so badley I was freezing so much I could not stop shaking and I had no blankets. He came in and gave me 2 blankets and left again. Because the IV solution had been dumped into me so quickly I had to urinate immediately and could not get out of the bed because both sides of the rails were up and no one came and the call button was not working. I was not being monitored. He put heart monitor electrodes on me but most of the night they were not connected to the machine so I WAS NOT MONITORED. I managed to yell and catch a doctor who was walking by and told him I was going to pee on myself if I could not get out of that bed. He ran in and pulled the rail down on the bedside and jerked the monitor wires lose and my IV from the drip and said the restroom is down the hall to the left; another left, then another left - and he LEFT..I walked by by the nursing station and "Richard' and 'Chris' were sitting there talking and neither acknowledged my presence as I walked by nor came to check on me later. I went back to my room and had to go to the restroom 2 or 3 more times before a new tech entered about 3 a.m, one whose name I never got came and told me I was in a closed section of the ER and they were moving me to another room. He would answer no questions, never really spoke to me other than to say 'I don't answer questions. I'm just a tech'.
I was in this first room until about 3 am without any assistance or monitoring. If I had had a bad reaction to the medications, no one would have known. I mean, really I was in there for some type of serious allergic reaction, I am shot up with some type of benadryl and left alone unmonitored for hours.
I was basically placed in a section of the ER that later I was informed 'had been closed'. No more than a few minutes in the new room than yet a different female nurse came in to say we are sending you home. Sign here , here, here and these are your medications and here's a list of 24 hr pharmacies and she left. I put on my blouse and asked for directions to the exit. Not one muscle of facial emotion ever showed on her or compassion was inflected in her voice. A robot w/o an emotion chip!. I was shown the door about 3:30ish a.m Friday morning - in the dark &cold w/o a 'bye your leave'.I bet they have my name correctly documented in the billing dept. I will report this to my insurance BCBS as well!