Dave is a nice guy but leaves a trail of BS a mile long. Listen to his outgoing message and you can get an idea of his sense of humor and unfortunately how seriously he will treat you as a customer. Get used to it because he never answers your calls/texts and rarely calls you back. He tends to forget he is working for YOU. I can live with leaving my gate wide open several times but still this should never happen. What I do have a problem with is paying him for weekly pool service where he adds whatever chemicals to my pool that stain the walls, turns the pH a 4.0 and as a result of this eats a hole through my filtration system. To top it off, he has no idea how to fix this; his bright idea of draining my pool, substituting several used parts and in the end, leaving me with a nonfunctioning heater in which he claims was the result of a lack of gas pressure. His final words to me were, "You need a plumber". Okay Dave. In the end, I was unable to use my pool/hot tub for 4 months as he tried everything he knew how to fix the heater without leaking. A comedy of errors that had me crying instead of laughing. A call to another pool company fixed my problem for under $300 which they claimed was an "easy fix". Money well spent to never have to have this guy back on my property doing who knows what to the water my family swims in.