| - I have discovered the answer to life, the universe, and everything, and Douglass Adams was wrong about 42.
It is the fig-bleu cheese caramel. For you, it may be the red jelly things or the fleur de sel caramels or the bacon popcorn. But it's in there somewhere, waiting for you.
The owner is totally charming, probably more than I appreciated (I'd botched my schedule and was mostly panting with relief about getting what I'd come for) -- I bet you could successfully start a conversation about candy. On my next trip, I might.
This is not candy that you pour into a bowl and nibble idly in handfuls. It is candy that you eat one piece at a time, in a proper statse of contemplation to appreciate your relationship to the candy and the candy's relationship to the universe and how that then creates a bridge between the universe and you. Feel free to quote Proust if you like, or your favorite lines from Grand Budapest Hotel.
The thing is, the candy actually justifies that level of intentionality and intentness, with flavor combos that are outright witty. One piece satisfies for quite a long time, as it provides much to think upon. (If you're on a diet and limiting yourself to one candy a day, come here! All other candy will pale by comparison anyway.)
This doesn't mean you shouldn't stock up, as you'll want some to give to other people, who will thank you profusely.