Late post. In October I was referred to Rolling in Dough (aka Leopold's) & decided to get my daughter's 4th birthday cake with them. I must admit I was in a bit of a jam since I was ordering the cake only 3 weeks before the event & never tasting any of their stuff.
I went in with my daughter & came prepared with two pages of photos of what I wanted. The tall pretty blonde lady that helped me was pleasant however she immediately down selled me to a cheaper cake when I inquired about a two tier cake.
I suppose I looked broke to her. She kept telling me that all the cakes on display were extremely expensive. Again I must have looked like a poor Mexican girl on welfare that she couldn't even give me quote on them.
Next I asked for a sample of their different cake flavors & was told they don't have any or do that. However a couple that walked in were promptly sat & samples displayed for their engagement cake. Maybe you need an appointment but I wasn't told that!
I didn't need a large cake only for about 30 kids however being a new customer I expected better service instead of that. Unfortunately for them my services will now go to bakeries that have better customer service.
I agreed to a small round cake for about 15-20 people ..... this was strictly for young kids btw & I REPEATEDLY told her that the molds of an equestrian riding helmet, whip & blue ribbon were to cover the entire top of the cake. She said yes yes yes & what I got was these stupid tiny molds that made my already small cake look even smaller. She told me that they love adding glitter to their cakes & would do so for free....come day of pick up....NO GLITTER! I complained that the molds were not what I asked for & she had the nerve to tell me that I didn't request that & that I was completely wrong.
I took my cake & left annoyed but luckily it was my daughter's birthday & nothing could ruin that day. Cake was moist & delicious but never going back since customer service sucks. I don't know nor care if that was a busy day, week or month for them; if they couldn't satisfy my order tell me & let's work with what you CAN do. Dismissing me as they did was rude & unprofessional.