It's the Saturday before Valentine's day. It's 9 o clock. I walk up to the door it's locked but the open sign is on. The man comes to the door and unlocks it. The lady asks what I need i tell her a full set. She says it'll be at least ten minutes. What? There's no one else in the shop. Another worker walks in she gets her stuff together come gets me and I have a seat. I tell her I need a full set she then says short because we charge for the length. Oh ok. She starts filing my nails she's not talking or anything. I've now been in this chair for four minutes not a word. Ok now I'm almost done she has me waiting while another customer needs a fix she's not telling me anything. She finally comes back after five minutes no sorry or anything. She finally finishes my nails. Um this long for some just ok nails. I tried to give this salon another chance but this will be the last. Yelp has this place at a new location but it has not moved. Now a week later and this is how my nails looking.