This place is awesome. they have fund raiser nights . service is alway great because everyone is working hard and being short staff sometime is normal. David V and Mike B. you guys are not happy then go somewhere else. Post bad reviews for what ? Only when google make robot to serve you guys then you will be satisfy? or only god come down then serve you guys then you would stop your whining? If god or your friends know what you wrote online about all these hard working people I wonder what they have to say about you. David V. are one of the most horrible yelp reviewer on yelp right now. Just because you can go online and write bad reviews doesn't make you better than others. you are just lowlife gossiper with many years of crock itches or something. david you are like the living devil with a big mouth. Seriously dude. Calling overprice food? then just go somewhere else? twisting people words or telling others they are dishonesty if you have no proof will cause you to loose your tongue ?!? You get mad and no one to talk to so you go on yelp and wrote all these stupid stuff? david you are just like the ugly of trolls of yelp that no one care about. Be a better man and be a part of a solution not the problem