Absolute perfection. Treated myself to a birthday massage. My RMT, Miranda, was absolutely delightful. She knew exactly what she was doing - listened to my concerns and tailored the massage to my preferences.
The front desk attendants were super friendly. When they learned it was my birthday they gave me a small 'treat bag' filled with great sample gifts and a gift card. An excellent end to a wonderful half day at the spa.
The relaxation room is co-ed and it is bright. VERY bright. White and grey marble and white walls. Still relaxing but most spa waiting/relaxation rooms are 'warmer' in colour scheme to encourage relaxation.
You won't regret the spa services at the Ritz-Carlton. It's the Ritz, HELLO. A nice oasis to combat the Toronto hustle and bustle. Yes, it's on the higher end price-wise, so a once-in-a-while treat (and if you have work benefits, even better. Ask for a receipt.)