is there anything better then a brat sandwich from frank's to start your market day off?
My boyfriend and I have been going to the market every week for most of our groceries for a year now, we have our venders we love who take care of us!...
here's the secrets... go on a friday/sat for your first day if you've never been, and after that, monday/wednesday mornings!
it's the easiest way to find the best stands, the old men in cleveland go to the market and go to the same stands they've been going to for years, they go in the morning and you should too!.. the more older men the nicer/better the stand. ...
we cook dinner every night and have gotten countless recipes that have become favorites from the vendors, so talk to them! (it's hard to do during over the weekend, way too many people attempting to control their kids!)
that's the other thing... if you're the type of person who doesn't appreciate kids running into you every few steps don't go on a saturday/friday
love the food! btw, grocery bill dropped more then 50%!!!