I've interacted with this post office way too often for the past year. Getting my mail should not be a struggle. It all started when I was tracking packages that said delivered but we're not in my mailbox. After 4 packages with this same issue I put my mail on hold and ordered a locking mailbox. If the post office says they delivered it they must have delivered it right? I checked with neighbors but no luck there either. While waiting for new locking mailbox to arrive I went in to the post office to pick my mail up. When I picked the mail up and asked the clerk to continue holding she said no. I thought I heard her wrong but again she said no! She explained mail hold service is only when you're out of town and it is not their job to worry about my mail getting stolen after delivery. I was astounded. But then as I was sifting through the mail I was picking up I found two of the four packages that I originally thought were stolen. I explained to the clerk the reason the mail was on hold is because these packages said delivered over a week ago and I never received them. She said you got them now! Well that's not quite the point. They were expedited and tracked. They were marked delivered leading me to think they were stolen. But they were actually sitting at this ill managed post office the entire time. The third showed up the following week and the fourth arrived in my mailbox exactly 1 month after tracking says it was delivered. I called and emailed every point of contact I could find but the bottom line is no one cares to look into it let alone fix it.
A year later I'm still struggling to get my mail. I've endured lost checks, lost bills, and lost packages. Some eventually show up but not always. I couldn't get my money back on the locking mailbox I had ordered but the lock doesn't help me if the mail was never delivered.
I received a package today that shows it left San Francisco 5 days ago but no tracking since. It's mail. It's not that complicated. But it sure makes life complicated when you can't get it or get it on time.
Now ... Working across town and having problems with mail delivery out of another post office location as well. Every day we get mail for the neighbors and they get ours.
At home and at work I've tried being extra nice to the mail carriers. I've given them cold drinks and snacks and holiday gifts .... But I had Christmas gifts mailed in November that didn't show up til February. This is unacceptable. But what's worse is no one cares. I guess the people who work for the post office must be getting their mail. I suggest postal employees lose one day of their own mail every time there's a complaint on their route. Maybe if they lose a paycheck or receive a bill after its past due or don't get their birthday gift then they will start caring what their sloppy work does to other people's lives.