| - A Meh tonight. Normally higher. Go here frequently. The pizza is typically very nice. Tonight it was, in fact, splendid. Really tasty. They supplied me a bottle of peppered oil. I asked for grated Parmesan. "We have Grano," they said. Up came a little dish with a spoon, and on the bill, a charge. Now wait folks: you do not charge for cheese at a pizzeria. This is just one more utterly obnoxious example---yes, UTTERLY . . . OBNOXIOUS---of Toronto restaurants that don't have enough confidence to stand behind themselves, trying very hard to seem important and pretentious with little chippies like this one. To the owner: You don't need the dollar-fifty. Why insult me by charging it. And don't have your manager instructing me on how this is high-quality cheese. OF COURSE IT IS. So is everything you purvey. This kind of thing is nothing but an insult, and for no reason at all, since the food sells itself, your staff are friendly, things are good. But suddenly, a tiny weeny itsy-bitsy little kick in the customer's head. Next time you'll charge me for my glass of water, or for using one of your forks?