| - I am aware that writing a review on the Eaton Centre Arbys may, for some, greatly deplete the value (especially given the significant portion of foodies on yelp) of all my past or future reviews. However, I feel the need to express what I think is so great about the Arbys (specifically the roast beef sandwich) in an attempt to redeem myself ;) and any other shameful yelper of having the same guilty pleasure. Here are some of the things, that for me, make Arbys so great:
1. Sometimes you're at the mall and you don't feel like a burger, but you still want something fast and dirty. Arbys has mastered the (seemingly) only dirty fast-food sandwich option at the food court. But you never feel totally full with just one (which probably has something to do with the fact that the meat is not actually meat). This, I argue, is not a negative thing. Because when eating Arbys, one can take pleasure in that fact that once you are done eating one sandwich, it's not necessarily over. There is still possibly more (and more?) goodness to come. Yes more. As Arbys, aware of this fact, offers special sandwich deals in multiples of 5 (5!) every few months.
2. The horsey sauce. I've tried to mimic this part mayo part horseradish concoction at home, but have never come close to getting it right. And a quick (admittedly disturbing) google search for the 'Arbys horsey sauce recipe' proves many other people have attempted this at home as well. So I suggest (not only trying) but stealing packets the next time you go, and putting the sauce on anything and everything for the following week.
3. It's mall food, which I believe is always a guilt free consumption. This is cause one rarely feels guilty making a 10$ purchase at the food court after spending 300$ on clothes. It's also a guilt free because you feel like you've physically earned it....this may have something to do with the fact that trekking back and forth, up and down through the mounds of people frequenting the Eaton Centre on a Friday night to look for something to wear to the bar you're being forced to go to by your friends later that night is a experience I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, and one deserving compensation.