| - Via rail had a seat sale promotion posted on their website, $39 Montreal to Toronto!
Well..$44 after tax. I thought this was amazing so I LOGGED INTO MY VIA RAIL PROFILE (Yes, I "was" a member) and began filling in my payment information. I had mad a mistake entering in my bank card information and was brought back to re-enter my info only to find the price of my ticket had jumped from $44 to $73.58.
Of course I was thinking this must be an error as how could the price go up as I'm entering my information, so I called Via Rail and they told me "they couldn't do anything" and that "you should call the head office in Montreal they will help you out for sure". So me thinking hey that's a good idea I'll just call head office.
I call the head office in Montreal (Long distance fees apply, but whatever they will help me so I'll eat the long distance charges). I call and was told "we can't do anything sir" and "you should have filled the information in properly the first time".
Now, I'm not one to make a fuss about stuff like this and I'll admit when I'm wrong but the way my case was dealt with was absolutely hilarious, I laughed so hard when I hung up because I could believe such awful service like this actually existed.
You "Can't do anything" and "you shouldn't have refreshed the page". I even asked them "Can you please"(I pretty munch begged) "please do something for me, anything." And the last thing they told me before I pressed the end button on my phone was, "There's another train at 6pm". Click..
This coming from a company that TRIPLED ITS PROFITS TO $11 million back in 2013, that was four year ago. I can't understand how nobody at Via Rail couldn't have just ate $30 in exchange for some good customer service...
Here's what you get Via Rail, you get me!
In exchange for your stand up comedy routine ahhh I mean *cough cough* service...
You get me, I'm going to bad mouth and run down Via Rail to all my friends and family for the rest...of my... life! I'm going to tell them EVERYTHING that has happened here, because your staff lied to me, so I'm going to make up lies and tell anyone within earshot about bad situations that never happened. I mean it's only fair right?
Aside from that you will also be getting my canceled membership, you'll also get me telling everyone here on Yelp that Porter Airlines is the way to travel in Canada and offers extremely friendly service, amazing snacks and FREE cold yes VERY cold craft beer with every flight from Montreal at amazing rates.
And that's the Truth...and it didn't cost anything.