What started out as a $20 tire repair turned into a $1100 bill! The only reason I went here was because my vehicle had to be towed and my insurance company basically said I had to take it here. Being new and alone I felt like I had no choice.
Tow truck driver had trouble with getting my spare off and then the tire couldn't be taken off because one of the nuts were stripped. When it was towed to this location I asked for the tire to be repaired and if they could fix the spare bolt. Well the tire couldn't be fixed and I ended up having to purchase a new tire. Fine... I understood that but after that the charges seemed to keep adding up till they reached a little over $1200!
Things seemed really fishy when another lady came in and they tried to charge her $1100 to fix her car that they said was unsafe to drive when they had told her everything looked fine three days ago. She complained and they knocked her bill down to $800! Now that just does not sound right.
I ended up having to waiting four days to get my vehicle back only to be told it was ready the day before but I was never called! I go to pick up and pay only to find they did nothing to my spare, leaving the cover in my Back seat. The tire still needs repaired!
They wanted to charge me $1300 for repairs but they 'discounted' them when I complained on what I saw. Makes me mad to find out later I could of gotten everything done for considerably less. I feel like I was taken advantage of being new and alone in a new city. Will never go here again!