| - "It's getting cold again but New York's gorgeous
"It's a subway day"
In A Sentence
I've fallen in love with the arena cheeseburger all over again!
Quick Review
+ Best walk-up food available at any arena, anywhere.
+ Location, location, location! This is the arena's Shake Shack® listing.
- Queues get lengthy ... well ... because of the location: the arena.
Employee of Excellence
N/A. Or, that guy/gal anonymously making the burgers back there.
Note: This is for the arena listing. The Park listing is here: Cheat sheet: if you're inside an arena named for crappy mobile service carrier, this is your listing. If you are near New York, New York casino, go to the other listing. There are two locations (believe it or not)!
It's no revelation that when in an arena or stadium or ballpark or prison, one's choices are limited. It is typically between shit and more shit. Fortunately -- in Las Vegas -- there is Shake Shack.
It's no secret, as there will be queues of patrons waiting to order, waiting to pick-up their already-placed orders, and to accessorize their orders with condiments. And, for times when I am not physically pinned to the barrier for a pit show, I'll meander over with all the other yuppies to Shake Shack for a burger, fries, and a shake. And you should too!
Final Thought
If you're at the Las Vegas Arena, for a game or show, this is pretty much the only legitimately good place to eat. Keep the hotdogs limited to baseball, please.
Good for tourists.
Good for kids.
Not good for dogs.
Rating: Five-stars, "Woohoo! As good as it gets!"