In a word, disappointing. In another word, overpriced.
The hostess asked us if we had reservations for lunch... with a total of 3 tables occupied in the entire restaurant, I don't see the point of such a perfunctory question. After fumbling with the computer and menus at the host stand for several minutes, she led us to our table with about as much ennui as humanly possible. Thanks for the warm greeting.
I was willing to overlook the retail-wrapped bread sticks, but unfortunately nothing redeeming followed. The bread and olive oil, as another review mentions, were unfortunately the stars. The linguini with mussels was so poorly presented that I almost thought it was a joke. It looked like the pasta had just been scraped off a microwave dish onto the white plate. No garnish, just a yellowy neutral-colored heap of food. Really, Batali?
The pizza at our table looked fair, but CPK caliber. It did little other than satiate an empty stomach.