| - For those of you planning to visit us, Babaloo's is no more. For those of you who know us I just wanted to take a minute to leave a heartfelt thank you.
When someone opens a new restaurant it is an exciting moment, a nervous moment, a scary moment all rolled into one. If the worst thing that happens is a rack of wine glasses falling from the roof in a hail of glass then the opening can be considered a success-many have endured far more nightmarish openings in this industry.
As the weeks, months, and years go by a funny thing happens to the special restaurants, the good restaurants: they begin to feel like family and people come back. This was where I came in, almost a year ago today, as a simple restaurant server with over 10 years of previous restaurant management experience. I was not the best server, but I noticed that both customers and employees alike were always grateful, and made me feel at home. This was the beauty of Babaloo's-it felt like family.
To Robert, Myra, George, Adam, Emily, Jon, Rob, Erika, and anyone I may have forgotten I offer my deepest thanks for allowing me to be part of your lives. To all of the wonderful people who came to see us over and over again, I would far prefer to work a table seated with people I know, and you all never failed to help me out with that. Babaloo's did not close because of the folks that supported us, it closed because sometimes in the bleakest economy a business fails, even despite the greatest efforts of those trying to keep it going.
It was a fun ride. Thanks Rob!