Weird, three reviews in the past month or so -- Fiesta Mall must be putting out psychic waves.
I'm giving this mall an undeserving 5 stars because I lived there when the thing was built. It was very exciting when it opened. I got my second job there -- selling Eva Gabor Wigs to old society ladies in the millinery department of Goldwaters.
I spent many ennui-inducing hours at the arcade while my high-school boyfriend played Battlezone always promising that I could go next.
I ate gyros in the food court, and visited my friends who worked in the various stores -- Warehouse records, Contempo Casuals, Sears, Wicks & Sticks, the Sunglass Hut. That should suffice to date me.
It was a thrilling big new mall in 1982-83. We thought that "Tri-City Mall" was the old outdated mall -- with the oil waterfall feature in the center where the elderly people would congregate with their walkers and canes and the new mothers with their strollers all "taking a load off" -- when they weren't eating at "Sambo's" -- SAMBO'S! can you even imagine!?
I also knew the kid -- Justin Wolfswinckle or something like that, whose dad had owned the property on which they built Fiesta Mall. His dad took some of the money and bought Justin (then 17) a Lamborghini. Ridiculous really.
So here's to Fiesta Mall! And to capitalism's continuing love affair with planned obsolesence! Salut!