| - They should rename this place "Big Candy." Like "Big Tobacco" or "Big Oil," but without the dreadful connotations. Nothing but unicorns and rainbows and puffy, pink thoughts - much like the pre-bagged cotton candy they sell - are allowed here.
Do you need to buy Rice Krispies by the square foot? Maybe for some kind of incredibly fabulous elven magic theme party featuring an all-RKT dance floor? You'll find those right at the front of the store. (And you have to invite me to the party if you use that idea, deal?)
The idea here is "lots and lots," stirring Wonkatastic feelings (the soundtrack to Burton's effort plays in the background) but without the danger of falling into the pure chocolate river. They do sell a gummy worm you can drape around your neck, though. Veruca Salt never had one of *those*.
It's not all about size; It'Sugar has variety nailed. Gummy this, gummy that, gummy penguins? Sour powders on tap. Vintage faves. Modern faves. Chocolate-covered (name a nut... or raisin). Novelty candy. Candy-branded merchandise.
And of course they have sparkly Baby-Ts to proclaim how sweet *you* are, too. (Or go to the other extreme and check out their sugar-free products.)
Four stars for location and selection. Every time I stick my head in, I see something I missed before. Minus one star because I never end up buying anything. What's up with that? I think once I get past the novelty items and stuff that doesn't interest me (I fear the gummy bear), all I see are things I could get elsewhere for less. (But not at Rave next door, so maybe they're kitting out a customer base of candy sneakers. Hmm!)
Reconsider It'Sugar as a gift shop, though, and not a place to savour an excellent piece of chocolate honeycomb (they don't stock it) , and it's some of the sweetest retail therapy in Town Square.