| - After spending a summer vacay in Brazil I came home hopelessly nostalgic for all things Brazilian: steak, caipirinhas, beans, farofa, telenovelas, and futbol. Going to Rio 40 is a great way to get a Brazil fix.
Vintage pics of Rio hang everywhere, while TVs are constantly broadcasting Brazilian soaps and soccer games. It's not one of those design concept restos, so don't expect any of that either! They are experts in grilling their steak, it's not the best cut-- but how they manage to cook it so tenderly is beyond me. Prices are not cheap but they really go all out for portions in the Brazilian way: tons of yucca or fries, beans, farofa (powdery stuff that adds texture and taste to beans), and meat. They make a pretty good caipirinha too, if a little on the sweet side. One time I went on a Friday and they had live Bossa Nova, which was wonderful.
I highly reccommend!