Beware flying AmericanAirlines! I took my Mom to check into her flight at McCarran International Airport, upon her check in JoAnn, whom works with American Airlines told my Mom that she wasn't able to get on her flight without changing her return date unless she had her birth certificate or naturalization papers showing that she was born in the Philippines. She proceeded to tell us & show us on a computer screen that because she was now an American citizen that she wasn't able to stay in the Philippines past 30 days because of the new Philippine president. She even went to the lengths of calling someone on the phone to see if there was anything they could do but came up with no other solution other than my Mom paying $300 to change her return date.
Thankfully my Mom purchased through a travel agent Mango Tours & I called them to ask why they didn't inform my Mom that she would need her birth certificate or naturalization papers & they told me that she didn't & asked me what airlines I was at & I told them American & she told me to tell them that my Mom would get a visa when she got to the Philippines & that she can get on that flight, when I told this to JoAnn she snapped at me & said, "She doesn't have the authority to say your Mom can get on this flight!" All of a sudden JoAnn found something on the computer screen saying my Mom CAN get a visa when she got to the Philippines. Wasted 40 minutes of our time trying to scam my Mom out of $300 & stressing my Mom out before her 14 hour flight!!
By the way, my Mom didn't even need to get a visa & is able to stay in the Philippines up to a year.