| - Well, fuck ... this ain't ::insert-big-name-company-here:: ...
It is Fox Rentals.
And honestly, it is probably better than whatever big name you have been bombarded with adverts for during the past thirty (30) years.
And frankly, those more expensive car hire names located at the McCarran Rent-A-Car (MRAC) centre are just as time-consuming as well as poor with customer service as Fox, if not more so.
With Fox, I have never had a reservation refused to be honoured.
With Fox, I have never been slipped a charge into the contract for something I categorically declined (e.g., Roadside Assistance).
A sample weeknight at Fox, YMMV:
Any Thursday
7:37PM: I arrive to a queue of twelve (12), not including those already being assisted by the two (2) slow-as-molasses agents.
7:38PM: (1 minute since arrival): One (1) middle-class couple called it quits and leaves. Quitters never win, and companies at the MRAC may not be any quicker or with shorter queues tonight. Hope you know what you're doing, yuppies. A lot of patrons in queue complain because it helps them cope.
8:01PM: (24 minutes since arrival): Called to move towards the counter by a very friendly Filipina-American. I reject every add-on politely, and initial/sign where I need to.
8:03PM: (26 minutes since arrival): I hop into a 2013 Chevy SparkĀ®, after wasting time taking pictures of scratch/scuffs to the rear bumper of a white Fiat 500, which had no keys in it. There is a queue of half a dozen or so cars to leave the lot with only one exit station operating out of the two.
~8:10PM: (37 minutes since arrival): I slowly drive over the exit spikes and am en route to my destination. Upon return, the deposit (150$) was refunded, as well as an additional 11.06$, which I have no idea where and why it was refunded. It just was.
On the same weeknight (Thursday), I have gone to the MRAC and wasted hours and hours with big-name companies that have no cars, and actually still have a charge from weeks and weeks ago from some piece of shit company that did not have cars when I had a pre-paid reservation, and, now will not concede to reversing the CC charge.
Also, they have a frequent customer programme, but one does not get credit for As of the publish date of this review, does not include Fox, so it will always be a more economical option to even the cheapest option through HotWire.
Lastly, if you leave something in your hired car, you probably won't ever see it again; I know.